Nishana is an action packed drama story about two unemployed young boys from different villages who are frustrated from life. They come to a railway track for committing suicide. On railway track they becomes friends but unfortunately being arrested by police before committing suicide. Police officers want to put their names in few unsolved crime cases. Both boys get escaped from police station. They reached a remote village at Pakistan border. Here they find an aim (Nishana) in life. Now they realize that they were going to die like dogs committing suicide and they should die like martyrs doing something great for their county. What is their aim and the story is all about how they fulfill their aim with rib tickling comedy, emotions and action.—Sukhminder Dhanjal
Based on the acclaimed book, Shararti Tath, an autobiography of the famous writer and teacher `Manga Singh Antal`, a young Kabaddi and Volleyball player Manga became a drug addict which introduced him to crime.
Based on the life of Sukha Kahlon, Shooter depicts the life of the ordinary man who went on to become a sharpshooter and one of Punjab`s most notorious gangsters.
The film shooter is inspired from real incidents and characters of Punjab, who chose the path of gangs and guns. And met with a sad end, Sucha a young hot-blooded guy wants to live life like a king. His thought led him to choose the wrong path of gangsterism and mafia. Sucha starts losing his beloved ones in this dark world. When he lost everything, he realized that he had chosen the wrong path. But it was too late. This film comes with a positive message for youth that there is no life with guns and gangs.